Extraordinary Book

Extraordinary Book

The first part of this extraordinary book, is simply beautiful  - with over 50 luminous paintings of flowering plants that are combined with extensive descriptive passages. It is in these passages that Dr. Christensen offers a singularly different approach to the uses to which these plants might be put. Rather than the usual “apply this plant, in this manner, for this use,” she translates through her own intuition, what these plants offer to humanity. It is not humans deciding what to cut and paste from the natural world, but rather what these plants offer up to humanity from their own extraordinary generosity. It is a completely different approach than I have ever met, and it has changed my World View!

In the second half of the book, you can find the best and most concise explanations of numerous adjunct areas of the Energy Therapy field, i.e. chakra systems, meridians, acupressure, Archetypes, card readings, etc., and the best explanation of Human Energy Fields I’ve run into!  Followed by a vast array of exercises to develop ones own intuition and to further explore and heal whatever difficulties one has run into using different modalities. She also includes a refined list of books for further reading.

This is more the beginning of the adventure rather than a definitive end, primarily because the emphasis is more about exploring your own world (and intuition) rather than taking on the ideas and views of others.

It is a brilliant book!

F.F. Colorado Springs, CO


F.F. Colorado Springs, CO

The first part of this extraordinary book, is simply beautiful  - with over 50 luminous paintings of flowering plants that are combined with extensive descriptive passages. It is in these passages that Dr. Christensen offers a singularly different approach to the uses to which these plants might be put. Rather than the usual “apply this plant, in this manner, for this use,” she translates through her own intuition, what these plants offer to humanity.
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