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Brain Balancing Craniosacral Series

Dr Faith Christensen

Harness the power of neuroplasticity to change the brain. 

Join Dr Christensen as she shares her craniosacral brain balancing techniques developed over the last 15 years of clinical experience.

CST brain balancing works by increasing neural connections, improving brain circulation and increasing processing speed. 

Explore the anatomy of key brain structures, location, palpation, motility, and connection to treat many common neurological issues such as: ADD/ADHD, seizures, learning issues, issues with speech, sensory, balance and coordination, stroke, concussion, HPA axis issues, weight regulation, sleep, blood pressure, pain modulation, etc.

Optimize brain function by helping the brain rewire, integrate and balance for optimal wellbeing.

Learn in person or from the comfort of your own home. Read more about the virtual classes.

Brain Balancing I (BB1) 

Learn to evaluate and balance the different lobes of the brain. Evaluate activity, compare speed and processing between the hemispheres, within each lobe and the interconnection between the lobes and midbrain.

Issues include: brain processing speed, learning issues, memory, speech, sensory issues, ADD, ADHD, seizures, depression and neurotransmitter imbalance, impulse control, memory deficits, aphasia, dementia, body map template issues, balance and coordination issues.

Evaluate and balance CSF, venous, and arterial blood flow in the cranium. Useful in treating headaches, epilepsy, post covid brain symptoms and traumatic brain injury.

A special portion of the class will be dedicated to brain work for physical brain trauma: stroke, concussion, and head injury.

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Prerequisites: CST II. Advanced techniques and CST III are highly recommended but not required.

One of the most helpful teachers in the CST Field

Dr Christensen is one of the most helpful teachers in the CST field. I come away from each class with so much useful information and improved results with patients.

M.B. University Place, WA

Brain Balancing II (BB2)

Brain Balancing II focuses on the limbic system and brainstem and how they connect to the lobes of the brain.

Learn detailed evaluation and treatment for vision and hearing.

Dive into HPA axis dysregulation causing thyroid, adrenal and ovary or testes imbalance seen in hypothyroid, POTS, ovarian cysts, infertility, adrenal hypo or hyperactivity.

Evaluate and balance autonomic functions within the brainstem: circulation, weight set point, sleep/wake, etc.

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Prerequisites:  BBI and CST III. Advanced techniques is highly recommended but not required.

Brain Balancing III (BB3)

Focuses on identifying mental and emotional patterns that contribute to a wide variety of issues: depression, anxiety, chronic stress, eating disorders, addictions, sexual dysfunction, relational issues, and transitional stress.

Balance the brain to the autonomic nerves and peripheral nerves of the body.

Identify patterns of thinking that cause the brain to dysregulate: Past or future thinking, beliefs, generational or cultural patterns.

Evaluation and treatment of the major pain pathways causing dysregulated pain response such as complex regional pain syndrome, phantom limb pain and other issues related to the pain response.  

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Prerequisites:  BBII and CST III. Advanced techniques is highly recommended but not required.


Cancellation/Refund Policy:

Tuition is fully refundable up to 14 days prior to the start of the class minus a 25 admin fee. Within 7 days of the class there is no refund as class materials are available online at that time. If you get sick the day of the class please contact Dr Faith directly at


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