Dr Faith Christensen
Faith Christensen is a Naturopathic Doctor, botanist, medical intuitive and founder of VitaVis.
She combines her love of plants, intuition and healing by learning from plants in nature and sharing their messages with patients and students.
She began teaching Craniosacral Therapy in 2000 with Integrated Bodywork Institute, as an adjunct faculty at Bastyr University, and through Vita Vis.
Healer of Mind, Body and Spirit
How can I ever thank Dr Christensen for all she has been and given to me. She is a healer of mind, body and spirit. Dr Christensen is gifted in “seeing” deep into one’s heart to know where relief and healing are to flow. She has been witness to some pivotal, powerful spiritual revelations and caregiver to my deepest self. I am so grateful!
Transformational Healing
Im so grateful for Dr Christensen’s continued help as I work through all the different health issues that come up. It really helps me to connect with her via phone appointments and am amazed by her knowledge and skills! I feel like this year has been a big one for continuing to transform and shift in positive ways! Im excited to see whats in store in the next year.
Freedom from Trauma
Apple Blossom always helps me feel a freedom from traumatizing past experiences or negative choices. It is a great flower essence helping you believe you have second chances.
Focused Assessment
I really appreciated the focus on assessment in the Tensegrity Workshop and the work in groups. It was very helpful and the perfect way to integrate the detailed information.
Takes Away Fear
Whenever I meet up with Western Spiderwort essence, I feel like I have met up with an old friend, who just holds me and takes away fear.
Amazing Teaching and Guide
I had the privilege of taking a class on flower essences given by Dr. Faith Christensen. I was unfamiliar with flower essences at the time, but was intrigued by the interface between the natural world of flowers and their energy, and my ability to connect with that. Dr. Christensen was an excellent teacher. I was able to begin to understand each of the essences we studied and to learn how to sit with them and avail myself of their wisdom and healing properties. And beyond the class, I was able to begin to understand the intricate and symbiotic relationship we all have as created beings in this world. I would highly recommend this class. Dr. Christensen is an amazing teacher and guide.
Brain Balancing Class
I appreciated the course materials and the guided work. I really enjoyed the openness and inclusivity of the attendees of the class.
Clear Shift
Profound and Empowering
My experience working with Dr. Christensen has been profound and empowering. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking to connect with their own intuition and experience a great sense of healing.
Feel Love
Whenever I give up on myself, Garden Harebell gives the support I need to believe in myself, feel enough love not to give up.
Healing trauma
In addition to working through complex trauma with a therapist, I have used wild rose flower essence to help me unlock the ability to honor and appreciate myself as I am. This healing tool has been effective in stabilizing a consistent sense of self esteem and self worth. Thanks!
One of the most helpful teachers in the CST Field
Dr Christensen is one of the most helpful teachers in the CST field. I come away from each class with so much useful information and improved results with patients.
Grateful for Help
I am thankful for Dr Christensen’s healing help. I know now that God has answered my prayers to take away the pain Ive been suffering from so long. Dr Faith is God’s helper…an angel. She is blessed with love and kindness.
True Caring
I feel blessed to have worked with Dr Christensen and see how you have helped my wife and I. Obviously I’ve been impressed with your professional expertise in healing and diagnosing. But more than that, I appreciate the way you truly care.
Extraordinary Book
The first part of this extraordinary book, is simply beautiful – with over 50 luminous paintings of flowering plants that are combined with extensive descriptive passages. It is in these passages that Dr. Christensen offers a singularly different approach to the uses to which these plants might be put. Rather than the usual “apply this plant, in this manner, for this use,” she translates through her own intuition, what these plants offer to humanity. It is not humans deciding what to cut and paste from the natural world, but rather what these plants offer up to humanity from their own extraordinary generosity. It is a completely different approach than I have ever met, and it has changed my World View!
In the second half of the book, you can find the best and most concise explanations of numerous adjunct areas of the Energy Therapy field, i.e. chakra systems, meridians, acupressure, Archetypes, card readings, etc., and the best explanation of Human Energy Fields I’ve run into! Followed by a vast array of exercises to develop ones own intuition and to further explore and heal whatever difficulties one has run into using different modalities. She also includes a refined list of books for further reading.
This is more the beginning of the adventure rather than a definitive end, primarily because the emphasis is more about exploring your own world (and intuition) rather than taking on the ideas and views of others.
It is a brilliant book!
Heal Deeply
Yarrow essence is the best to help me work through and heal the deep traumatic wounds of my life and see events more clearly and without blame. Not only the wounds of this life but past lives too. I feel a lot of gratitude for yarrow.
Deeper Healing
In spite of years of interior work, counseling and education, I continued to experience blocks to freedom and wholeness, sometimes manifesting in physical symptoms and emotional distress. I have been going to see Dr Faith for about a year. I go once a month to receive Craniosacral Therapy. This therapy, particularly Dr. Faith’s intuitive gifting with it, has allowed me to experience deeper healing and wholeness as my body experiences release of old patterns that create a freer life.
Body and Mind Balance
Ive only been in a few times and Dr Faith has been a great help! I came in with severe anxiety from trauma and back issues. Sessions with Dr Faith and the supplements she has provided helped my body and mind find balance, lessened anxiety and aided in resolving my physical pain. Very thankful for Dr Faith!
Life Changing Journey
In 2018 I began a life changing journey with Dr. Faith Christensen by understanding the power of plant messages through the use of her pocketbook edition; and by using the essences she has developed to daily connect to, and support my mind, body, and spirit!
Heart Opening
When I take Dotted Blazing Star, I am supported and feel a space opening up in my heart for myself. I feel like I am able to shoot up through the middle of every thing holding me back.
Forever Grateful
Thank you so much for all you have done and continue to do for our family. We are forever grateful. A large topic of conversation for our family is how blessed we are to have you in our lives. Thank you for everything!
Great Workshop
I appreciated Dr Christensen’s knowledge, experience and presence. I also appreciated the slide set with illustrations, the patient cases from your practice.
Clear and Concise Teaching
I appreciated the clear and concise way the material was presented. Lots of information and well organized and understandable. I signed up and am very glad I did. I also feel like this work has already been helpful for my own healing.
Thank you so much for give me some Craniosacral lessons. There are no words for how much I appreciate it.
Safe and Free
Every time I experience Mullein essence, I feel a soft warmth spreading throughout my whole heart chakra. I feel safer yet freer and even feel as if I can breath deeper.
Facilitating awareness and healing
Using the flower essence card deck helped me reach supportive plant essences I didn’t realize I needed. Always relevant and sometimes humbling, I discovered areas I needed to evolve in. Facilitating awareness, compassion and support through flower essence to these areas has been invaluable in my healing.
Experienced Teacher
Faith is an experienced teacher of Plant Essences. It was so informative and extremely interesting. As we shared our thoughts of sitting with the different essences I was surprised how similar our experiences were. Definitely worth taking as part of ones inner journey!
Great Class
Dr Christensen is a great teacher. She is proficient and knowledgable, no undercurrents or pomp, just sharing her wealth of experience. I also appreciated the booklet to refer back to. The class had great pacing. Highly recommended!
Grounded Way of Presenting
I found the demos really helpful. Great teaching staff. Incredibly grounded way of presenting very esoteric concepts and grounding them in science.
Bring Plant Essence Into Your Life
Thank you so much for bringing your flower essences to my world. I have been enjoying them since the summer and I absolutely love them!
Enlightening Life
For many years, Dr Christensen has been an enlightening part of my life. Ive been lucky enough to experience her vast healing talents as well as her professional compassion. Ive loved our sessions! Im thankful for the health, healing and trust that she built in me.
Works By Dr Christensen
Surviving Cold and Flu Season Naturally
Honoring The Wisdom In Nature: Messages From The Plant Kingdom.