Moss Rose Plant Essence


Find the strength to take stock and be honest with yourself. Sort through all the old things you’ve tucked away. The things you would normally be afraid to look at.  I can help you take a step back and look at your life from a perspective of courage knowing you lived through whatever event, memory, or emotion is stuck in your body and keeping you stuck.  Look at whatever it is to understand why you are holding onto it. Why you saved it. Held it so tightly. Why you put it away in a place to forget. Now is the time to take stock of what you are storing in your body causing you to be less than your full radiant self. Be courageous in your experience.

There are gems hidden away in these lost and forgotten places. Gather the gems and release your body from holding the rest. Free your mind, your body, and your heart. Seek solace in the knowledge of bravery in healing. The process of reflection and acknowledgment of important events of your life. Gather and heal.–Moss Rose

VITA VIS  invites you to experience the wisdom, inspiration, and strength of plant essences.  Find the illustration and message you connect with to choose an essence to support your mental, emotional, and physical health.

Each essence is wildcrafted and preserved in 30% brandy or vodka.  1/4 oz plant essence stock per bottle.


Moss rose (Portulaca grandiflora) supports and guides during transitions and life changes. Moss rose gives you the courage and steadfastness to look at yourself and your life. Find the strength to take stock and be honest with yourself. Sort through all the old things you’ve tucked away. The things you would normally be afraid to look at.  Read more

Experience the wisdom, inspiration, and strength of plant essences.  Find the illustration and message you connect with to choose an essence to support your mental, emotional, and physical health.  Each essence is wildcrafted and preserved in 30% brandy or vodka.  1/4 oz plant essence stock per bottle.

How To Use

  • Activate the plant essence by shaking the bottle ten times before administering the essence.
  • Plant essences can be taken by mouth by placing two drops directly on the tongue or in a glass of water to drink.
  • Plant essences can be added to water and sprayed in a person’s energy field or around a room. Place 2-3 drops of one or more plant essences in a spray bottle filled with distilled or filtered water. Some plant essences work better than others as a spray such as Moss Rose, Apple Blossom, Calendula, Cut Leaf Evening Primrose, French Lavender, Subalpine Arnica, Vicia, Utah Aster, Wild Rose, and Yellow Blanket Flower.
  • Plant essences can be applied to the skin, such as placing on acu-points and chakras. Applying a plant essence directly to an acu-point or chakra directs its actions more intentionally to balance the area to which it is applied. See the corresponding chapters in Honoring The Wisdom In Nature: Messages From The Plant Kingdom for more information on each energetic system.
  • Store plant essences away from bright light, electronics, and heat.
  • It is best to use a single plant essence or combination of essences daily for 28-30 days to change a pattern.

Additional information

Weight 3 oz
Dimensions 5 × 6 × 1 in


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