Finding time to sit, the space to be, and the place to sit all takes time. Everything is important on your journey. I bring light and slowing down. Take time to breathe all the way into your feet and root into this moment. Your presence is all that is required. Take time to settle into yourself. Get to know who you are. Recognize your own essence, the spark of life and being-ness. Free yourself from all you have gathered within your body. All the things that others have said or thought about you. Somehow you believed them. My dear one they do not know you. You believed them because you do not know yourself. You were taught to ignore, repress, suppress, and model perfectness. You are so much bigger, brighter, and way more fun than that. Your inward treasures are vast and cannot be counted. The beauty of who you are shines through even when you try to block it.
My love it is time to shine. It is time to be blessed. Receive and integrate all you are and all you do not yet know about yourself. Breathe deeply and see it starting the fire that has been slowly kindling within your being. The fire that no matter how many times you try to put out, still burns however quietly. Now is the time to stoke the fire to honor yourself and release the fear you have of your own power. My dear it is time. You know that it is. The sacred fire burning within awakens. The sacred fire connecting you to purpose, light, and joy is calling you.
“Come closer and be warmed. Come sit with me and be not afraid. My light is your light. My strength is your strength. My hope is your hope. Whatever you believe about yourself that diminishes you isolates scares you place it in the fire let those beliefs go and fuel you as you release them. It’s time to honor your own sacredness.”
Globe Willow
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