Grounding Guided Meditation


Feeling tired, buzzy, overwhelmed, stiff in your joints and muscles? These can be signs that you aren’t grounding.


Feeling tired, buzzy, overwhelmed, stiff in your joints and muscles? These can be signs that you aren’t grounding.

Grounding refers to connecting your body to the earth. Physical grounding or earthing refers to direct skin contact with the surface of the earth, such as with bare feet or hands, or with various grounding systems.(1)From an electromagnetic perspective, grounding provides a release of electrical activity into the ground.

The grounding exercise walks you through a guided meditation for grounding. Other ways to ground are to walk barefoot in the grass, holding grounding gemstones, sitting with your back up against a large tree, or taking plant essences that aid in grounding such as BrittlebushHeron’s BillMulleinSiberian ElmVicia, and Yucca. See what helps you feel the most connected to the earth.

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