Healer of Mind, Body and Spirit

Healer of Mind, Body and Spirit

How can I ever thank Dr Christensen for all she has been and given to me. She is a healer of mind, body and spirit. Dr Christensen is gifted in "seeing" deep into one's heart to know where relief and healing are to flow. She has been witness to some pivotal, powerful spiritual revelations and caregiver to my deepest self. I am so grateful!

D.M.  Colorado Springs, CO


D.M.  Colorado Springs, CO

How can I ever thank Dr Christensen for all she has been and given to me. She is a healer of mind, body and spirit. Dr Christensen is gifted in "seeing" deep into one's heart to know where relief and healing are to flow. She has been witness to some pivotal, powerful spiritual revelations and caregiver to my deepest self. I am so grateful!
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