“I Am Beautiful”-When You Don’t Really Believe It

Today in meditation, I heard the phrase “I am Beautiful.” For me, it is not something I readily think of when I look at myself. I don’t consider myself unattractive but somehow owning the phrase “I am Beautiful” did not hit as truth for me.

After the meditation, I immediately tried to think of people in my life who had told me that I wasn’t beautiful. I mean, it must have come from someone else, right? Gratefully, I couldn’t think of a person that has said that about me. I then realized it was much deeper than what others had instilled in me. It was a personal belief I held.

Somehow BEAUTY was this unattainable feat.  Certainly you see stunningly gorgeous people on TV and movies. That standard of beauty only few can measure up to. I realized I needed some help in uncovering why I couldn’t accept my own beauty. I can see beauty in others and see the beauty in the world and yet could not resonate with the phrase “I am beautiful.” 

White Columbine

I remembered that when I sat with White Columbine it spoke of seeing the beauty within yourself and believing it. Discarding what society thinks is beautiful and knowing “Beauty is something inherent within each person shining out when they are free to express themselves.” (excerpt from Honoring the Wisdom in Nature Messages From The Plant Kingdom)

I decided to put the card on my chest and ask for the plant to help me understand what pattern in my mind prevented me from seeing my own beauty and it hit me all at once.  Seeing the beauty within myself is POWERFUL and full of SELF ACCEPTANCE and FREEDOM to EXPRESS YOURSELF!! Those words carry lots of baggage.

There are plenty of examples in past history of women who owned their own power and freedom of expression experiencing ridicule, persecution, and even death. Currently women are labeled a Bitch if they seem self assured and powerful. Better than past treatment, but still not the acceptance that we all deserve as our right as human beings to own our own power and freedom to express ourselves. 

I could go on and on giving examples of a women’s worth being measured by men and women (yes women, we are the worst at comparing and judging) by their external appearance. But that doesn’t heal anything. 

White Columbine Plant Essence Card

White Columbine ask you and me to see the beauty within ourselves as an expression of our power, self-assurance, and worth. When we sit with it it can instill this belief so deeply that it can take root. You can begin to release all the outside stuff that tells you what is beautiful. It connects us to our inner knowing and freedom to be ourself and to Be BEAUTIFUL.  I encourage all women (and men) to connect to their inner beauty and let the power and radiance of your unique self to shine.

I know it will take time before I can say with all honesty that I am beautiful. For today, I can say with all of my being “I can see the beauty within me” and that’s a start. Share with me on Instagram or Facebook @vitavisweb your pics of true beauty …your essence shining through carrying with it your power and self assurance!

To read more about White Columbine, click here. To purchase your own set of Plant Essence cards, click here

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